Riddle: You are my brother, but I am not your brother. Who am I? Answer: I am your sister. Riddle: The person who buys me doesn't need me, the person who makes me doesn't want me, and the person who uses me can't appreciate me. What am I? Answer: A coffin. Riddle: What happens when you throw a blue rock into the yellow sea? Answer: It sinks... Riddle: What is the best way to stop a dog from barking in, and digging up the front yard? Answer: Put it in the backyard. Riddle: What's always coming, but never arrives? Answer: Tomorrow! Riddle: What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? Answer: Charcoal. Riddle: Which word does not belong in the following list: Stop cop mop chop prop shop or crop? Answer: The word 'or' is the only one that doesn't end with 'op'. Riddle: There is a one story house. Th...