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The Deer, The Crow and The Tortoise

There were three animals who were friends, a deer, a crow and a tortoise. One day the deer went to look for food in the forest and was caught in a hunting trap. When the tortoise and the crow went to search for the deer they saw him in the trap. They asked him " Why did you not see the trap? " Then the deer told them " Oh friends! I was wrong, please help me to save my life. "

The crow and the tortoise agreed to help the deer, then the crow took some water to soften the trap and the tortoise gnawed the trap. They gnawed the trap from evening to dawn, but they could not sever it, they could sever only two strings. When the hunter was coming, the the crow and the tortoise told the deer " Friend! now the hunter will come soon. We can gnaw only two strings. You must break it yourself. "

While the three animals spoke to one another the hunter came, then the crow and the tortoise left the deer alone. They entered the forest to wait for the deer. When the deer saw the hunter come near him, the deer broke the trap and went away into the forest. The hunter was very sorry to lose the deer then he ran after him to bring him back, but he could not run so fast, and then he saw the tortoise who hide in the forest.

The hunter brought the tortoise back and set the trap again.When the crow saw the hunter take the tortoise back, he told the deer a plan to save the tortoise from the hunter, then the crow said to the deer " Let the hunter run after you he will drop the tortoise down and then you must run into the forest. "The deer agreed. When the deer ran near the hunter, he pretended to have a broken leg, he ran on only three legs in front of the hunter.

The hunter did not know the deer's tricks, then he thought that the deer had a broken leg, because he was caught by the trap and he ran after the deer. When the deer looked back he saw that the hunter did not drop the tortoise yet, so he planned to be crippled animal again and ran slowly. The hunter thought " What good is this tortoise? He is enough for only two meals, but the deer will give me much meat. "

The hunter dropped the tortoise into the bush.The deer saw the hunter drop the tortoise, and he let the hunter get close to him. When he was far enough from the place where the hunter dropped the tortoise, the deer came back and picked up the tortoise with his mouth and the crow guided them into the forest. They lived in the forest peacefully. 


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